David to Ginger (Ethel Linn) Post Card No. 7 Mar 2nd 1918
The last letter I had from you was dated Nov 24th since when I have had no other and I am wanting letters, so you might write as often as possible. By the way I hope you get these cards. I write once a month. Yesterday I had a parcel from Harrods. They had stopped for a time, the two previous ones getting here on Dec 18th and Jan 6th. You probably know too that the Berne bread has also stopped. Your letters always have news in them that I don’t get in others. Life here resolves itself into something like Mark Twains Diary “1st day – Got up, washed, went to be – 2nd day – got up, washed, went to bed” – and so on and so on. We however do a good deal of reading, as I get books out from home sent by publishers and there is also a small library of novels here. Can you send me some of Dicks belting stuff for boot repairs, with heaps of hob nails. I can’t get these from home. Hope you are all well.