W Rushbrook to David St Olave’s Grammar School Aug 28 1918
Just a line, my dear David, not so much because I have anything to tell you and because your mother has just sent me your address and this is the best acknowledgment I can give. I have just come from Victoria where I went to see one of my old boys 2/Lt like yourself off for France at 7.35 and stayed on to see the .. trains steam off, full of officers and men for the front, all of them, I think, returning after leave. It was a moving sight, & one’s head was full of pride & gratitude and hope – & confidence in the … issue which will convince our … hty for that there is something bigger than any mere nationalism & that the world is going to be safe for all countries little as well as big. (You heard that Gen Sir Wm Robertson came for our Prize Day) It is 3 years since you called last, I believe: at least 1915 Nov 18 is the date I have entered for your last visit. I hope it will not be nearly so long before .. you again safe back to help build up the new England, & the brighter world when Peace returns
I am ever most truly
WG Rushbrook