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Fanny to Ethel   56 Ramsden Rd, Balham SW12                    Aug 27 1917

My darling Ethel,

I am pleased to enclose you more good news.

I have sent two parcels of food through the American Express Agents through Holland so he will have got one by now and another shortly. And I sent at once some underclothes and socks etc. And I am sending a parcel through the Prisoner of War Committee weekly, and I can send two. Now I do truly hope you are quite well and rested. I was pleased to know Nanna was back.

I have just received David’s things from the front, every thing alright. Now dearie we will hope all will be well with him, and that we have him home once again. I loss no time in sending to him a week before I had his card, and before they could tell me at the War Office where he was. Now try and be happy again. I am feeling the reaction this last two or three days. They are all rejoicing at GlenRoy, and all keeping about the same. I shall try and have a few days away from home, now I know what to do.

Miss Massey sends her love. Polly came over to see Nelly just for the week and they are well. We are having stormy weather. My veg garden is doing well, only it makes me very tired and Peter helps sometimes.

Kiss the dear children for Grannie and love to Jean, hoping she has had a good time, and fond love to you both.

From your loving Mamma

F Taylor