May to David Beckenham 24.10.17
My dear David,
Last Monday I wrote to you. On Tuesday morning I called at Batsfords who assured me they had sent you a list of the two “libraries”, and that Froude’s book was not yet ready but would be sent on immediately they had it. We had a fearfully busy day, but I managed to leave at 5.5 and caught the 5.15 from Cannon St arriving home in time to get your letter of the 1st Sept, which gave a most amusing account of your first parcel, or rather, the cooking of it; and also your daydreams. You have more time for daydreams than I have just now, so I have to get mine in at night. I had previously had your letters of 12th and 22nd Sept.
This morning your letter of the 14th July came. I read it in the train, when tears permitted me, not having had time to open it before I left. You darling. No, my darling.
We are very busy today again, and as I must write to Mrs Taylor and copy out parts of your two letters I cannot stop any longer now, but will finish later, or rather, continue.
Uncle and Auntie from Ireland sent you nice messages the other day, but I have forgotten what they are.
Goodbye for the present.