May to David Beckenham 22.10.17 No.22
My dear David,
I was hoping to hear from you this weekend, but I have not so far. I know I am greedy where your letters are concerned and want a lot. Last week I finished the red jersey and cap, and on Saturday night I made a little wool gaiter. Hope to make the second tonight. Every day I have at least one large parcel of things. This morning I heard from the Bazaar people, and they would be delighted to have our palmist.
Saturday afternoon I did shopping and wound wool. On Sunday I walked to cemetery, and brought away some of the geraniums, leaving 9 still up there. It was a lovely day, like summer. During the afternoon and evening we all sat over the fire and talked. I got a good deal of teasing about living amongst blacks. On the way home from the cemetery I called at Auntie’s. She was a martyr. I don’t quite know why, as I did not go in, not having time. She said “Helen is coming up from Southsea on Monday to get her allowance. She wants to stay the night I fancy, but I have written to tell her not to. She seems to think I don’t want her, but it is nothing of the sort.” Helen evidently hasn’t told her mother about Mama’s offer, or I think I should have heard about it.
I invested £100 this morning, and the time it took me has helped to make me busy and behind. It is our busy month really.
My photo hasn’t come yet. Now that I have been taken I am in a hurry to despatch it to you.
A few days ago I wrote to Batsfords asking if the books had been despatched, and they replied that they had sent:-
Macauley, History of England, 3 vols @1/3 3/9
Lambs Essays of Elia 1/3
Macaulay, Historical Essays, 2 vols @ 1/3 2/6
But that Frouds Historical Essays were then being bound. The books seem very cheap. Hope they are good enough. They did not say anything about the lists I asked them to send. I will see them tomorrow and ask.
Can’t stop any longer. Hope I shall find a letter saying how you are. Every night I fancy you are ill and want nursing. Do you feel bad, or is it my imagination?
P.S. I have heard from Mrs Taylor. She has been down to Watford since Wednesday. Coming up today. Having a nice time. Mrs Capel quite well and bonny again, and wished to be remembered to me!