Fanny to Ethel [in USA] 23 July 1917
My darling Ethel
I was so pleased to get your letter, and to know the air is better for you just now. I was not surprised to hear about the maid. At present girls are much of a muchness here. I know you must have heard the sad news of David and that your heart is aching like mine. At present I have not any more news of him. I shall try and find out if he is alive. I fear not, for it was a dreadful battle, one of the worse. I read it on the Saturday morning, while on a visit to Mrs Brunings, and said to them My boy is in that. And how many more dear ones. We cannot tell.
As soon as I get any more news I will send on to you. It is not fighting, it is murder.
Mr Bomier that lived in next door, that let the little boy cry so, while the mother was out. Was only out there a few weeks was killed, leaves wife and 4 children.
I do hope if David is alive they will treat him kindly.
I know your thoughts (I would like to go home to Mamma) but dear Ethel don’t attempt it, for it is not safe to come. And to live here is not. One never knows when a raid is coming.
And it would just kill me to loose you. I am trying my best to keep well, and every body is very kind, and willing to do anything for me.
Polly is very kind, she loved him dearly. And all those who knew him liked him (he was a dear).
My dear don’t you bother to buy me anything for my birthday. I have your love and that is the best of things.
Everything is going on alright with the property, I manage it myself.
We saw Auntie Jane and the others yesterday, Hilda and children was there, Walter still at Sittingborne. They all send their love.
Kiss the dear children for Grannie and love to Jean. Hope they will enjoy the changes.
With fond love to you both
From Your Loving
F Taylor