May to David Beckenham 21.10.14
My dear David,
Friday night it turned wet again, thus spoiling all hope of gardening Saturday and Sunday.
Saturday was bright, and I had a bright inspiration during the morning. It is astonishing how one’s thoughts can run on while typing policies. I never know what I have typed. I have just consulted the girls about my inspiration, and they mostly agree; therefore I shall be going downstairs this afternoon to the chief with a paper as follows:-
St Dunstan’s Hostel for Blinded Soldiers & Sailors
The Lady Clerks of the staff of the N.A.Co wish to send a
cheque to the above Organization on 2nd December.
It is proposed to raise the money in the following ways:-
- Collections.
- Raffles. Will those who have articles they do not require, suitable for raffles, please hand them to the Typing Dept?
- Sale of second-hand books. Will those who have books they do not require please hand them to the Typing Dept? Those unsold will be returned to the donors.
- Sale of hand-knitted socks, scarves, bedsocks, and other woollen garments suitable for gentlemen in civil life as well as soldiers and sailors; also articles suitable for Xmas presents.
The above Sales to be held in the Board Room on 29th Nov after Office hours.
Last year a cheque for £162 was sent to St Dunstan’s, when help was received from the Branches, “National Guarantee” and “Royal Scottish”. Cannot the Head Office, Marine Dept and West End Branch send £100 this year?
Will every lady make as many articles as she can and get her friends to as well?
Please do not forget the men lost their sight protecting US.
I have set the above out to fill a page, and it looks quite businesslike. Those two Companies belong to us, and we have also acquired a few more.
Only five weeks! How we shall have to work! And I have several away with the flu.
Of course I don’t expect to get £100. Shall be delighted if we get £20, but £100 looks well.
Saturday afternoon and evening I was busy with Muriel’s coat, undoing parts of it.
Sunday it rained all day long. I was busy bustling about in the morning trying to think I was busy, and indulging in lovely day-dreams all the time. I wonder if you can guess what they were. In the afternoon and evening I sat over the fire and studied various newspapers. I will add the news in a postscript.
And that is all the news I have of a “domestic nature”. How are your lectures getting on? Do your hearers keep awake? I don’t mind cheeking you as you are at a safe distance, though won’t be much longer, I know.
PS Northern Belgium , as well as Northern France, is cleared.
Good progress is being made all round.
The women’s party is growing very strong indeed. There will be 6,000,000 women voters at the next election. As far as I can make out it seems that they are all of one mind, viz “Get on with the war [ censored ]