David to Ginger Holzminden Nov 19th 1917 Post Card No. 3
I have had your letter of Sept 13th via home, this being the third, also a long epistle “with love and kisses from Erl Linn” and the two photos. Please thank Erl for her letter and ask her to write again. Today I had the third parcel from Harrods. It is awfully good of both of you and John to send these things and also for your offer with regard to my bank balance. I believe my pay goes on as before, so that I can get along quite well that far. I am also getting your bread from Berne, which I shall be very glad if you would continue. I am quite alright, my ear giving me now no trouble, beyond the fact that it rings a good deal, but this will probably wear off in time. Thanks very much indeed for everything. The photos are excellent.