May to David Beckenham 19.12.17 Letter No. 51
My dear David,
Just a week ago today I posted your waistcoat at the G.P.O. I wonder if it has left England yet. Hope so; you must want it. We are having very cold weather.
Nothing of importance to relate since I last wrote to you, except that your letter of the 3rd Nov. Came yesterday. How I did enjoy it; and I did like the two grumbles. It sounds as though you are alright when you grumble. I have made a copy of your letter to me, more or less, and sent it on to Mrs Taylor with the other letters. I also mentioned that I would go with her to get her present. She made me buy one from you, my furs, and am I not delighted to have them? I should be frozen without them. I did send your letter to Mrs Walker about a month ago. In the evenings I am now making socks for Ern.
We are going to lose some more men most likely from the Office, and the General Manager wants me to part with at least another girl. So we are haggling. Honestly I don’t mind if I do let another go, but of course I shall be a martyr over it. You know the cold weather always did agree with me and make me fell full of life. Already I have had three go’s at my new chief, and his chief clerk. The only girl I suggested could be sent would be his chief clerk’s, and then he, the new chief and the General Manager would have to share 2 between them instead of having one each, and the assistance of 2 other girls. I am afraid I am still a little divil. Of course I have to be as you call me one, otherwise you would be telling stories. I am taking four girls I have had over a year on to the staff next year, and one new girl expert. There were two coming, but one has written to say she has a better job elsewhere. Again I am a martyr, though I don’t know what I should do with her when I got her. We are slack now.
We are having an extra day’s holiday at Xmas, half staff the day before and half staff the day after. I shall not get either, as there is sure to be trouble if I do stay away leaving so few to cope with the work, but of course I shall take that day later on when the weather is better, and when you come home. I will treat myself and you to one days outing to celebrate your return! Won’t that be magnanimous of me?
Last Monday I went to that lecture on Some Effects of the War on Life Assurance, and enjoyed it very much. The lecturer was 70 years old, and seemed a young 50. He was awfully funny and spoke so hopefully about everything. His anecdotes were very good too, but I cannot stop any longer now, as I have let one of my head girls go off shopping, so Goodbye for the present.
P.S. I have sent you 2 real photos.