May to David 18 Manor Rd, Beckenham 10.10.17 (Wednesday)
My dear David,
Last night I had your letter dated 22nd Sept. Wasn’t that quick work, and wasn’t I glad to get it? It gave me an a/c of your capture. You do make light of your wounds; it just sounds as though you didn’t feel bad at all, [censored]. So it is your left side that is hurt. I thought so all along. Can you lie on that side now? Of course I mean on something soft? I am sorry for your sake that you are deaf on one side. Does it sound horribly selfish, but the fact is I think it would be a good thing for me if you were always a bit deaf, because then I should have to speak a little louder which would be so good for my throat. My speaking quietly and badly is sheer laziness, and it would be doing me a good turn to make me speak louder. Sometimes I say a few words to that dismal deaf old post, Eccles, for the sake of exercising my voice.
I copied out a good deal, almost all, of your letter yesterday and sent to Mrs Taylor. She wrote to me and our letters crossed. She is so pleased because you have asked for your football clothes, and also because the parcels are reaching you. I expect to see her Saturday.
This morning I called at Batsfords. They had not the books or lists with them, but will get them today and post them on.
Last night I called at the dressmaker’s. It was rather dark coming away, but I imagined you were with me, so was not nervous – not that I ever have felt nervous. Don’t think we are built that way, except a few selfish old crocks, like my esteemed Aunt and her hubby. No word from Jack yet.
I have been thinking a good deal about the bungalow lately. You remember I said the back room would be the kitchen and scullery combined. Well, couldn’t we have the small middle room made into a kitchen and scullery combined (we should only want a place big enough for cooking and washing up), and have the back room made into a meal room. Your camp bedstead arrangement could be rolled up and stood in one corner, so that if we wanted to make up a bed for anyone extra we could do so easily. That would leave us three bedrooms upstairs. What do you think?
I must not stop any longer now; too busy; so goodbye.
P.S. Miss Willsher came in yesterday and brought me a miniature rock garden with Alpine plants on it. It is a grand novelty, and so minute. She bought it with the money you sent her for me, so thanks.