David to Ginger (Ethel Linn) Holzminden Post Card No 11 July 8th 1918
I have had no letter or anything from you since my last post card at the beginning of last month. In two days time I shall have done twelve months “time” & am already looking forward to going to Holland, so much so that I have taken up Dutch. Its a lovely language, the first thing to learn being that g is pronounced hg with a guttural sound. Its lovely. Yesterday I had a small tinned cake sent me the first I have had since I left France which reminds me that your last Buzzard cake was delivered to me the day before I was taken, & I had only eaten one slice when it went aloft with the dugout & the remainder of my things. I have mourned that cake long & bitterly & even now, every time I think of it, I weep. I hope you are all alright especially the kiddies. I have not heard from them for months.