May to David Beckenham 7.12.17
My dear David,
This morning your much longer-for letter of 22nd Oct came marked No.9, although it is No.8 that I have received; it contained Cox’s letter, the Stratton’s form, a letter for Mrs Taylor, and most important of all, one for me. Thanks very much for the Xmas present, but I cannot think of anything that I want, except you, and I shall have to wait till after Xmas. I was thinking yesterday morning, being such a glorious sun-shiny frosty day, how I would like to be off for a long walk with you (not that we should get far), and then I thought that the war will not last for ever while our souls will, unless we act the fool with them which we are neither likely to do, so what is a few months compared to eternity?
You want me to write more often, but I do write as often as I can. You see nothing much happens to write about; one day being like the next. Hard work all day long, and knitting in the evening which is a nice recreation. War news or politics I must not mention. The latter I cannot understand, and as for the former, I have given up reading papers since you are out of the fighting, only looking at the headlines which are as usual. We are told every now and then we must be careful and not waste food, or there will be a shortage etc etc, but all I actually know is that I still give in our usual weekly grocery list at the Stores, and they are sent to us – as usual. We have never gone short of anything, but live in the same old style, except that I am taking to eat a little porridge before my usual breakfast, with Golden Syrup, and am getting quite used to it. My digestion is very much better than it used to be, and so are my inside nerves – in fact, I am keeping remarkably well. We never in this dept. Work after 6.0, though a good many offices are working on Sunday. I pointed out to the chief that it is to no advantage to work late – it would only mean slower work all day, and he agreed, but the men stay.
You ask in your letter all the General Manager said to me. I really forget. He is very subdued now, poor thing; he has lost his eldest son, the pride of the family. He was in the R.E’s and making a profession of the Army.
I have sent you thee lots of books – all you have asked for, and have told Batsford they are very slow in reaching you, but they say it is not their fault. I hope you will get them in time. Yesterday Mrs Taylor called at the Office, and together we went to the American Express. They can’t send you any of the things you want, but suggested that your dressing gown should go, so of course you will get that in time. Your mother is sending all she can for you, and does not leave a stone unturned. She is indefatigable in going about and making inquiries. I shall be spending this weekend with her, and know we shall enjoy ourselves, when I hope to finish the waistcoat. May you get it before the warm weather sets in!
You are only allowed to have sent 100 lbs food per month, and this quantity is sent. This is letter 45 at least. Do you get them all, and have you received my photos? Have sent about 7.
5.45 Just had a glorious row with my pet abomination. He has apologised!