David to May HOLZMINDEN October 6th 1917
My Dearest,
I have got all your letters to September 12th, the last today. Please write more often. Your letters are everything. I also want a photo, I left mine in my valise, so that it shouldn’t get lost and now I want another here. I should be delighted to have another woolley waistcoat. I left mine in the dugout and it went up and all my other things with it.
I am enclosing letters to Campbell, Lady Shippard (Mum has her address) and Mrs. Walker, 25 Kidmore Road, Caversham, Reading. Will you please forward them. They give you a few details, so read them if you care to, but they are rather gruesome.
Thanks for going with Mum to Cox’s etc. It is good of you and thanks too for sending the books. I expect I shall get them soon. Could you get me Laxton’s Builders Price Book (Batsford), and Estimating (this last in my bookcase), and also the following from the “Everyman” library:- Carlyles French Revolution, Lockharts Life of Napoleon, Irvings Life of Mahomet, Macaulays History of England, and his Essays. Will you send a list of Batsfords, “Everyman” and “Wayfarers” libraries.
My ear (its the left one) is better, the discharge having stopped, in fact the doctor has stopped dressing it, and is merely keeping it under observation, in case I suppose it has a relapse and gets hydrophobia or something. Anyway its alright now except that its no good for hearing purposes.
The arrangements about your holiday seem to have been unsatisfactory. I am sorry. Never mind we’ll have a good time when I get home. Anyway I do hope you had a good holiday eventually. I am glad the chief is so pleased with you and your girls.
Had a letter from Maud, and today a very nice one from Muriel Maconachie. Please thank them both and ask them to write again, although I cannot reply to them. Muriel says “it is so nice being strong enough to do something again” and also “that she is taking a man’s place” in an office. I must remind her of this later. Please congratulate Maud on having started business although I know it is all your doing.
I have come across 6 or 7 officers of my regiment here, who were captured in 1914 and they have been awfully good to me. I am still dreaming dreams, one the other night was awfully real, but I will tell you all about that later. Goodbye.