David to Ginger April 5th 1918
Post Card No 8
Your birthday. Very many happy returns. I wish I could send you a present. Never mind I shall probably be able to next time. I have your letter of Jan 14th via Berne saying you are sending two pairs of socks. They however have not arrived. I am awfully sorry to hear about John’s brother Mitchell. Could you manage to send me some belting to repair boots. I cannot get it from home & in consequence shall soon be walking on my hands upside down in order to save boot leather. Please also send some hob nails. Can you also send me occasionally The American Architect Brick Builder or Architectural Record or any other paper of this type. They should be able to come through the letter post. I have had some books sent from home, so am now able to do a little work which will probably be of some use later on. Hope you are all well. Haven’t had a letter from the kiddies.