Fanny [David’s mother] to Ethel [David’s sister in USA] Balham 4 July 1917
My darling Ethel,
I expect you are all out enjoying the lovely sunshine with your dear children. Have you anyone to help you. For seaside is work with children, and their many wants. Yet I do hope you will all have an enjoyable time.
We have had some grand weather this last week, real seaside sort, made me think of old times.
On Monday after finishing at Kent House I went up West, and ordered another cake to be sent to David from you. So I hope he will get it by Sunday.
I heard from him on Monday, he is still in the same place and well.
We are getting plenty of potatoes now 3 1/2d per lb. And very good. Fruit is dear, but fruit without the sugar is not much and sugar is scarce ½ lb at a time, when we can get it, but we manage alright.
I heard that Tommy Archer was improving, his wife went to Glasgow to see him a week ago. Walter Writer is unfit for active service.
They were all well at Glen Hoy yesterday, just returned home from the draper’s and dressmaker.
I have just heard that the Flying Devils have visited the City E and N. We heard the guns, but said to each other it was practicing on the Common, but it was not so, it was this morning between 11-12 am. Mary Stanley was here, she had been to the Doctor, and it came on to rain. She said, that sounds like bombs. I said no, it’s practice on the Common. She is very well. I think I told you she went to see Mattie, she and Mattie did not get on very well so she packed up and came away, and left Mattie to it. She said it was a lovely baby, and had beautiful presents sent him, in wearing apparel. I asked Mary, what did she give him (Nothing). Mary is coming to Holdons sale tomorrow early, something she is wanting.
I hope all of you are well. My love to all, and yourself,
From your Loving