May to David Beckenham 22 May ‘18
My dear David,
Your letter of 15 April was waiting for me last Friday. It contained some awful misquotations of one of my letters from which one would gather I was not an abstainer. You cheeky beggar. The first thing I shall do when I get you home will be to box your ears.
About the house decorations, I should think the white, blue-grey & black would look very striking, but striking things get rather tiring after a while, don’t you think? Black shows the dust awfully. Have you ever seen dark green doors inside a house? I haven’t. How do you think they would look? Green & oak combine well, but are very ordinary.
Last Saturday Miss Willsher & I went over that old mansion & park in Bucks, & I looked out for ideas. The whole place was lovely, & it was hard to believe there was a war on. Needless to say I didn’t get any ideas, except one, viz a secret staircase by which we could avoid well intentioned clergymen & suchlike who call for donations, & also relations who wish to give advice. The walls were either panelled or covered with awful tapestry. I draw the line at tapestry.
The weather is still perfection, blue sky, blazing sun, & lovely breeze. Sunday I stayed at home; Monday I went for a picnic with Miss Willsher. We inspected the white garden & rock garden adjoining Streatham Common. They looked lovely. I took a quart thermos flask of tea, which we soon emptied. I hear the river was packed, long queues waiting for the streamers. Yesterday I did some gardening, & cleaned my white coat. It does look nice. A letter came from Mrs Taylor asking me to go with her to Mrs Pratt from next Wednesday to Monday. I am going. Today I have been to see Auntie. She is a martyr. By the bye, I have never seen her otherwise. From what I saw of Bucks I should think it would be a good part for your business.
Cannot think of anything else to write about, so Goodbye.