David to Ginger (Ethel Linn) Holzminden Post Card No 15 Nov 1st 1918
By the time this gets to you it will be Christmas again. I hope you have a very good time & the kiddies get all they want in their stockings. Thanks awfully much for thinking of sending me a Xmas pudding. It is good of you. Two days ago I received a parcel through the American Prisoners of War Committee, Berne. Amongst other things it contained a slab of toffee & chocolate, both very excellent & very much appreciated. It also had soap, a towel & some jolly good patent buttons etc. I can only think it came from you. I have also had two more parcels from Harrods through Mr Charrington both very good. Thanks very much indeed for them all. I have just had your letter of Aug 29th. You mention Frenchmen in the camp. That was at Karlsruhe – there are only British here, so that one doesn’t get a chance of exchanging talk. You also mention Holland, but this is all off & some fellows here have one believe that we shall be home for Xmas. One never knows.