David to May Sheerness Tuesday [18th March 1919]
My Darling,
No letter from you today. I expect you didn’t get time to write yesterday or else they are playing about with your letters in the post. I did want one too.
This morning I woke up pretty early & then lay & tried to imagine you were with me, but it couldn’t be done. I wanted you yourself too badly for that.
If nothing happens between now & say Friday I think I shall try to get leave for the weekend, or I may possibly try Thursday but I will let you know.
I rather misjudged my billet yesterday. When I first looked at the bed the sheets looked dirty, but when I went back after dinner they had been changed & clean ones put on so that was alright. Also there was a fire burning which made things rather more comfortable & this morning the landlady brought me a cup of tea.
There is no news of course of demobilisation starting again. Everybody is waiting, doing nothing, & saying it may start at any moment, but the moment doesn’t come. I suppose it will in the course of time.
I have just been told that I have to take a party of men to Surbiton tomorrow (Wednesday) so I will run along & see you as I did last time. I will telephone to you sometime in the afternoon.
This afternoon I went back to the billet & read up Fowey & dreamed dreams of what we will do when we are there. Don’t you wish we were there now?
Goodbye, Dear, until tomorrow.