Fanny to Ethel [in USA] 18 Aug 1917
My darling Ethel,
Good News. God has spared our David, received a card last night, written on the 25th July. This is what is on the card – I am quite alright my head and ear going on well. Will you please send me such things as tinned meat , tin butter, milk, tea, Quaker oats, ginger biscuits [I expect he is longing for them] and Vaseline, please send parcels of food frequently. The best way to send them is through the International Red Cross, 4 Thurslow Place, London S.W.. Some of these things I have asked for before, and are doing so again, in case you didn’t get my letter [I did not get the letter]. I will write more fully later. I believe parcels take about 10 weeks from the date of the post card to get here.
I wrote and told you I had sent him some food. And I also sent him last Monday some under cloths. So they are on their way.
Now I shall go to the War Office with his card. Then to Cox’s Bank and get his cloths sent and all he asks for. I wrote and told him I had sent him food and clean cloths. Polly’s gone over to Auntie Jane to tell them the news. I am expecting Miss Massy to tea, she does not get strong, she sends her love. All who knew David are rejoicing to know he is alive. The suspense has been great to one, but today I am feeling bright and fairly well. My veg are doing well in the garden. Now I hope you all are still enjoying yourselves.
I will send all the news of David as soon as I get them.
Kiss the dear children for Grannie, give my fond love to Jean, hoping John and Yourself are well.
With much love from your loving Mamma
F Taylor
Prisoner of War
2/Lt D H Taylor
2nd Kings Royal Rifle Corps Officer