May to David Beckenham 11.12.17
My dear David,
Just got half a minute to spare (while I am having tea and answering phone) so will try to write you.
I do want to know exactly how you are, what you do all day, what the camp is like, what sort of bed you have, if you have enough to keep yourself fit, and what sort of companions you have. We are all of us quite alright and desperately busy. The weather has been glorious today, and I hope it will be tomorrow as Mrs Taylor is most likely coming up for me, and then we are going off to the Liquidator for that money.
I have sent you all three lots of books that you asked for. Have you got them yet? Also sent about 7 photos of myself, two being real proper ones, and the others snapshots, very amateurish.
Campbell I believe was married last Saturday. I think Mama said there was a photo of him in the paper. At any rate she has saved paper, only I have not had time to look at it. I will save it for you. We have saved papers giving an account of your capture.
I hope to finish the waistcoat tonight. To make it look tempting it out to be ironed down the front, only it won’t get it till you come back. Also it will want the two wedges let in either side as last, but these I am leaving out purposely. They shall go in on your return.
Can’t stop any longer, so Goodbye once again.