May to David                     Beckenham                        1.11.18

My dear David,

Last night I finished the coat! The next thing to be finished is the war. I hear someone on the Stock Exchange yesterday wanted to bet it would be over in a fortnight’s time, but no one would take him on. One of the girls has just told me that in France a lot of folks are betting it will be over by Christmas, so that I might get you home for the holiday after all. I am not building on it in case of disappointment, but I feel convinced I shall have you home soon after. And then -. What? Maud is wondering what her next post will be. There is practically no aircraft work to do.

The influenza is dying out. We have only got about half a dozen cases. Do hope you are alright. We are very much behindhand with the Fire Policies, but are not staying late.

One of the girls has just brought me a strong looking piece of canvas, only it is not canvas but is made of paper. It has come from Germany, and people are making clothes of it, so she tells me. It must be very strong paper, but fancy making clothes of paper. You won’t notice any difference in our shops here, and I think people are dressier than ever. I’m not, but then I am anxious to get that £1000. Not far short now. Am investing over £10 over month.

Tomorrow I shall have off, and on Sunday I am off to Balham.

I must now write to Mrs Maconachie, so Goodbye, but not for long.
