May to David Beckenham 1.7.18
My dear David,
Talk about being busy – I get worse and worse, but somehow I shall always find a few minutes for my darling three times a week.
Saturday the weather was lovely. I left the office 12.35 caught the 12.45 to Bush Hill Park. Mr Mac was waiting for me at the station. Had a most enjoyable afternoon and evening there. The place is a sight of roses. I took all your photos and told Muriel I would repeat all the extravagantly flattering remarks she said about you, only I have forgotten them. I think she began with “O, the sweet little pet!” They seem to enjoy gazing at your likenesses, then that lady came that came when we were last there, and she inquired about you, and remembered your name and knew you in the photos. Muriel has found out a way of making chocolate, and will not be happy till she has sent you some. I said she might. They have a bazaar for the local V.A.D. Hospital on the 24th of this month for which I am going to make some socks. Shall be working late at the office from now onwards, so will practically only be able to work on the train. Muriel was keen on the plans of houses, and said I must have a Mystery room. She changed her mind about it pretty frequently, but I think the last idea was black and silver decorations, with greeny blue dragons. However, I am to go again soon as they have not said half they wanted, and Muriel will have fresh suggestions to make.
Sunday morning I walked up to the cemetery. The stocks have come on beautifully and the grave looked very well. Then I went round to Maud’s to water that, and found it a sight of weeds in full bloom, and tufty grass, with the blighted remains of 3 beastly evergreens, four mouldy geraniums and 3 apologies of marguerites. Of course the evergreens have practically poisoned the ground, except for the weeds which were certainly bonny. I was going to give Maud a lecture today, but she is away again, poor girl. She came up Saturday feeling very shaky. I think she had the flu. We have had very hot weather with cutting winds; the result being that many folks have chills – I’ve got 6 away in mu department alone! It comes of playing tennis mostly. As I don’t, I am alright. Sunday was our hottest day this year, and in the afternoon I went over to Balham decked in my new voile dress which I had made last year but never wore. Mrs Taylor likes it very much. We went to chapel in the evening, and heard a grand sermon. I have no time to tell you about it or I would.
When I have finished five more pairs of socks I am going to make Muriel a sports coat, knitted, and the money for making is going to the Red Cross. I have done several things for them in this way, and enjoy it so much. Your mother said yesterday she was feeling so happy about you, so thinks you must be quite well.