
16th Sept 1917 Littlehampton holiday

May to David    17 South Terrace, Littlehampton Sunday 16th Sept 8.0pm My dear David, I have just put back Father Time one hour, and not knowing what to do with it I thought I had better write to you. Sounds as tho’ I am making a makeshift of you, doesn’t it? Well, I [...]

22nd Sept 1917 Tinned meat, fish, milk

David to Ginger  Holzminden   Sept 22nd 1917 [card) Dear Ginger, Got your letter of Aug 15th today as quickly as those from home. Thanks very much for your offer to send things. Tinned meat, fish, milk, jam, tinned biscuits, sugar or saccharine, tinned butter, etc are some of the things I want most [...]

22nd Sept 1917 Full of doctors

David to May    HOLZMINDEN     September 22nd 1917 My Dearest, I got your 3rd letter (Aug. 20th) on the 15th and mighty glad I was to get it. The people at home have evidently told you a lot of rubbish, you can write as often as you like and as much as you like. [...]

23rd Sept 1917 Strenuous holiday

May to David   17 South Terrace, Littlehampton  23.9.17 Sunday My dear David, What a week I have had! I expected to write to you each day but these three children keep “Auntie” well employed, and then in the evening there is a good deal of mending etc to do. Esther and I have [...]

1st Oct 1917 Bazaar gifts

May to David  Office. 1. 10. 17. My dear David, Back again in a desperately busy world which you know I like. I surprised everyone by returning home from Littlehampton on Wednesday. Nothing was wrong, but I got fed up, so, as my bedroom was let (Esther had moved in the previous Wednesday [...]

2nd Oct 1917 Maud’s spirits

May to David   Office. 2. 10. 17. My dear David, I did not have time to finish yesterday's letter, so will to do so now - if hindrances will permit. I enclose another of those rough snapshots. I am promised better ones later on.              I was blinking at the time. I have not [...]

3rd Oct 1917 Sending parcels

Fanny to Ethel   Balham   Oct 3. 1917 My darling Ethel, I received your letter in the morning, as Polly received hers at night. I received a card from David saying he had just received my first letter, his card is dated the 4 September, he says his ear is about the same, otherwise [...]

3rd Oct 1917 Item of news

May to David   Office, 1 Moorgate St, E.C.  3.10.17 My dear David, I have a nice little item of news. Hearing that some of the Insurance Companies, or rather one, were going back to their original short hours, I tackled Mr Lutt yesterday on the subject. He could not do anything on his [...]

4th Oct 1917 Bit of excitement

May to David   Beckenham   4.10.17 My dear David, Yesterday afternoon we had a little bit of excitement at the Office. An old temporary gentleman in the Accountant’s Dept had a fit. Two temporary girls who were handy knew first aid. They did their best, and then came in and asked me for my [...]

6th Oct 1917 Woolley waistcoat

David to May    HOLZMINDEN     October 6th 1917 My Dearest, I have got all your letters to September 12th, the last today. Please write more often. Your letters are everything. I also want a photo, I left mine in my valise, so that it shouldn't get lost and now I want another here. I [...]

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