
3rd May 1917 May’s brother Bert has moved up

  David to May       May 3 1917 This will be a short letter as I haven't had a moment to spare all day. This morning we went out onto the line at 8.0. and have been there all day.. We are working on what was once a level crossing, but the Germans just [...]

4th May 1917 Working on the railway

[May's copy of David's letter] David to May      May 4 1917 I woke up this morning to hear one of our Lewis guns which is just at the back of my tent rattling away at an aeroplace. Presently there was a whistle of something and I afterwards heard that one of our anti-aircraft shells [...]

4th May 1917 Chocolates to France and news from USA

Passaic, N.J.  Ethel [David’s sister, aka Ginger] to David   May 4th 1917 Dear Kid, Last week I sent you some chocolate direct to France, but as I have no address, it is a toss-up whether it will reach you. I think it perfectly absurd to pay two postages besides wasting time, unless letters [...]

12th May 1917 I was on the fastest horse

David to May     May 12th 1917 My Dearest, I haven't much news at all today. We went out as usual on to the railway this morning. There was no train to take us, so we had to march. We were sent to work on the same bridge as we were on the other [...]

14th May 2017 Cornered by the Colonel

[May's copy of David's letter] David to May 14th May 1917 I expect this will be the last letter you will get for perhaps 3 days, as tomorrow’s post goes out before we shall be bank in camp from the railway and Wednesday & Thursday we shall be on the road back to our [...]

15th May 1917 Terrible news

David to May   May 15th 1917 4.30 I have just got your news, your terrible news. My Dear, I wish I could be with you or in some way do something to lighten your grief, but I seem so absolutely helpless. I think you have done the best thing in writing to Bert’s [...]

21st May 1917 Learning to salute

David to May           May 21st 1917 There is no mail in today and therefore no letter from you. I didn't expect one really, but still I am always anxious to get your letters. We have had rather a busy day today. We started at 7.30 for a route march of about 8 or [...]

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