
France & Belgium

The first letter is dated 10th Feb 1917 and is a letter from David Henry Taylor to his mother Fanny Taylor. The address is censored but he is with the B.E.F. in France. The last letter in this section is dated 9th July 1917 and is a letter from Fanny Taylor to her daughter Ethel [...]

10th Feb 1917 First letter from David

David to Fanny                 Sat Feb 10th 1917   [address censored] Dear Mum, Today has been glorious. Quite warm in fact. We had drill all the morning which I quite enjoyed, as I had charge of a platoon. This afternoon I went with west into the port and bought several things, some woollen gloves and [...]

19th Feb 1917 May’s first letter to David

Note: May's earliest letters are carbon copies that she made. May to David    18 Manor Road, Beckenham. 19.2.17, Monday, 11.0. My dear David, Now for a long letter - if the Fates will permit. I left the Office at 1. 0. on Saturday and went and had dinner -yes.,. I own it was coffee [...]

28th March 1917 Interfering old generals

Note: this is May's copy of a letter from David. David to May 28.3.17 [May’s copy] Thanks for your letter of 19th which came today. I am glad you and Mrs. M. find my letters interesting. You ask about signalling. This is rather interesting work, as there are various sorts of signalling, and it [...]

4th April 1917 OverSeas Tobacco Club

A soldier in David’s platoon has written to David’s sister in the USA to thank her for cigarettes Thursday 4th April [1917] Dear Friend, Just a few lines to let you know that I have received a issue of cigarettes from the Over Seas Club Tobacco Fund of which you have been subscribing [...]

4th April 1917 Thanks for the smokes

Another thank you letter to David’s sister in USA from a soldier in his platoon 4th April 1917 Dear Miss Linn, Many thanks for the smokes sent by you. They were appreciated very much. The card is quite unfit to send, more so to America, as it has been in my pocket for [...]

25th, 26th & 27th April 1917 Colonel makes a muddle

May's copies of three of David's letters David to May 25 April 1917 I haven’t much news today. This morning we were out on the range soon after 6.0. until 8.0. I think my platoon did rather better than last time, but still even now they are not by any means good. We [...]

28th April 1917 Measles, spotted fever and dugouts

[May's copy of David's letter]   David to May  April 28, 1917 This should reach you on your birthday. Many, many happy returns. I have just got your letter (Monday 22nd). I wish I could be more cheerful over that twelve months business, but it seems such an awful time to be away [...]

29th April 1917 No parades, no nothing except football

[May's copy of David's letter] David to May April 29 1917 To-day there is no church service, no parades, no nothing except that we are playing football against the Black Watch this afternoon, so I have most of the day to myself. I am on the top of a hill (it is more [...]

2nd May 2017 Travelling in cattle trucks

[Mary's copy of David's letter] David to May        May 2, 1917 On Monday we had had a very long day and were lumped down in the fields with practically nothing and had had very little to eat, and I was just turning in when the post came. I had a [...]

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